Saturday, September 04, 2010

Day 4: Iowa City

Just stopped here to grab a quick snack in the afternoon. The "Graham Central Station" flavor was pretty delicious.

Fun factoid: the name of the local ice cream store was also the original name of the city.

(why yes, I did feel a little out of place, why do you ask?)

Day 4: Corn. 10 hours of corn.

This image is pretty indicative of what I saw all day today.

Day 4: Champaign, IL

After spending a day relaxing in my hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio, my dad and I hit the road this morning at 8am. A mere 4 hours later we stopped for lunch at a pizza joint near U of Illinois. Being in Illinois, their specialty is deep dish. Now I'm not particularly wild about deep dish, but when in Rome...well ya know.

After downing a pint of Shiner Bock, I'm now ready to plow through the next 8 hours of driving to Omaha. There sho' is a lot o' corn out here.