Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rebelling against excess

Smart column by outgoing ESPN ombudsman Le Anne Schreiber, which sums up the problem with ESPN coverage in a single word: "excess." Of particular note to me was the following:

Stop trying to make the publicity-rich ever richer. Spread the wealth around before fans turn on ESPN the way investors have turned on bankers.

Interesting analogy. Not sure the two are comparable, but the point resonates with me. I get the sense that I and many of my peers have grown weary of excess behavior in general. Not sure whether I'm just getting old or whether this is some sort of generational shift. Back to the more relevant point--will ESPN really tone down its coverage? Count me amongst the skeptical....though seeing as how I haven't turned on Sportscenter in 3 months, I may not exactly be in tune...