Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Change you can Xerox" (boooooo)

I don't really follow the details of politics like I do, oh say, the New England Patriots, but my perception of the Democratic Primary race is that Clinton is a little flustered while Obama seems quietly confident. I'm not informed enough to know which candidate I'd rather have in the Oval office, but from the standpoint of who has a better public image right now, Obama seems like the clear favorite.

Just judging images from tonight's presidential debate that were flashed on the local news, Clinton appears nervous, and Obama is calm and collected. Clinton's line about "change you can Xerox" was pretty lame for something so clearly prerehearsed. It also registered pretty low on the cleverness scale. Doesn't it seem desperate to try and attack Obama's alleged plagiarism when it's clear that this is a non-issue? Plagiarism is one of those things that's really upsetting to journalists and academics, but not to most Americans.