Thursday, January 25, 2007

Would Bush's movie be called "A Convenient Lie?"

So I finally got around to watching An Inconvenient Truth, the documentary that films Al Gore's presentation on global warming. I'm not an environmentalist, but I did find the movie to be very interesting and informative. I was already familiar with several of his points in the movie, seeing as how I live in California and it's not hard to run into some hemp-wearing, tree-hugging hippie who feels pretty strongly about this issue.

The first thing that struck me when watching the movie was how excellent a speaker Gore was. He was passionate, articulate, well-organized in his thoughts, and there's no question that his point came across. He discussed the science of global warming in a very clear manner without being condescending or simplistic, and he thoroughly explained several experiments that strongly back up the existence of such a phenomenon.

It's a stark contrast to the speaking skils of our current president. Gore's presentation was educational and inspirational, and he challenged the audience to tackle a problem head on instead of pretending it doesn't exist. This is the kind of leadership I'd like to see from our government. For the life of me, I cannot see President Bush having the ability to inspire people with his words, and that is tragic.

BTW, does anyone besides me ever wonder what Bush will do with himself after he leaves office? Clinton and elder Bush are involved in humanitarian efforts, Carter involved himself with diplomacy and organizations like Habitat for Humanity...why do I get the feeling that George W will just hang out at his ranch for the next 20 years?

Finally, a pet peeve of mine when it comes to global warming. It totally gets on me nerves when people try to use an unseasonably warm day as evidence for the existence of global warming (or conversely, use a very cold day as a reason for why it DOESN'T exist). It's the AVERAGE, worldwide temperature that is rising, people. You can't say "of COURSE global warming is a problem--remember that weekend last summer when the temperature was 105?" Part of me thinks that this kind of obviously flawed reasoning is why some intelligent people are skeptical of the whole damn thing.


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