Thursday, October 02, 2008

VP debates: ...huh?

Turned on the radio on my drive home to hear Sarah Palin on the radio. She sounded incomprehensible, but at first I thought that was because I hadn't heard the question. Once I got home and watched the debates in It was quite confusing.

Palin did as expected, which is to say she avoided coming off looking like a total fool and merely did adequate. Considering expectations were so low, I would imagine that counted as a victory. Of course, she certainly didn't come off as smart, and she didn't seem nearly as polished as Biden. I found it annoying that she spoke in a lot of run-on sentences. So when she didn't speak in a run-on sentence, it sounded extremely rehearsed.

Biden was a little irritating and unlikeable. He also seemed incomprehensible at times. He came off a little strong and in-your-face, though later acknowledged that his "extreme passion" was one of his flaws. Though I don't think he endeared himself to anyone, I still prefer him over Palin because he seemed knowledgable and comfortable talking about the issues. I could have done without all the self-aggrandizing though.

Ultimately, I thought it was pretty clear that Biden was comfortable and Palin was struggling. However, I think Palin probably won the charisma battle. What will matter in the court of public opinion? Wish I knew.


Blogger Blogman said...

I think you got this about right. If you listen closely to Palin, she didn't actually make much sense, rarely directly answered the questions and reiterated the same old talking points. There was very little new information, and in general there are these vague statements that kind of make sense initially but have very little substance.

Biden hardly ever attacked Palin in particular (probably due to her lack of any record), and basically sounded like a US Senator. He also spoke too much.

9:28 PM  

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