Saturday, September 27, 2008

Debates: BOR-ing!

I was actually looking forward to watching the debates tonight (I know, not exactly a rockin' good Friday night). What a disappointment. I can't really say I was surprised, but I guess I had hoped for more interesting discourse.

What we got was the usual: candidates dodging the questions and finding good segues to make the points they really wanted to make--relevant or not.

It was also obvious what each candidate wanted to do in the debate:

McCain's "To Do" List:
-Promote his maverick image and distance himself from the Bush administration
-Talk about his own ability to get things done as a US Senator
-Attack Obama's Senate record
-Scoff at Obama's positions and create doubt about Obama's experience level
-Paint a picture of Obama as a naive fool who lacks credibility
-Voice strong support for Iraq War
-Avoid talking economics at all costs

Obama's "To Do" List:
-Link McCain to all the failed policies of the Bush administration
-Talk about his own ability to get things done as a US Senator
-Attack McCain's Senate record
-Paint a picture of McCain as a Bush supporter who lacks credibility
-Voice opposition to Iraq War without completely abandoning it
-Avoid talking economics at all costs

Lots of self promotion, lots of attacking, not much information. I don't really know who "won." I think that McCain's attacks were more effective than Obama's attacks, but Obama was generally more eloquent when making a point. But none of this matters. Most of the attacks were lacking any real substance. Senate voting records are misleading. Picking on verbiage is not useful. Here's to hoping the next debate is better.


Blogger Blogman said...

I haven't seen it yet but I think the debate focus was foreign policy, which may be why both candidates avoided the economy.

10:57 AM  
Blogger PJ said...

The first 10-15 minutes incorporated economic issues in the context of budget spending. Both candidates danced around the issue.

7:41 PM  

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