Marvel really wanted Samuel L Jackson to play Nick Fury
So I watched Iron Man a few weeks ago. A pretty good comic book movie--nothing super, but well done (for a 2nd-tier hero). Robert Downey Jr. plays Tony Stark, an egotistical womanizer with a drinking problem. So...he basically plays himself.
The funny part about this movie occurred at the end after the credits rolled. Samuel L Jackson has a cameo as Nick Fury, the head of S.H.I.E.L.D in the Marvel Universe. This got me thinking...
So for many decades, Nick Fury looked like this:

Not someone that could ever be confused for Samuel L Jackson. In fact, when they made the Nick Fury TV movie, they decided to cast this guy:

I'm not really sure why it wasn't a big hit. Anyway, I remember reading comic books circa 2003, when the "Ultimate Avengers" came out, and all of a sudden Nick Fury looked a little different:

Big change, right? It's just a little too similar to this fella right here:

I mean, come on! It's like they intentionally drew Nick Fury differently just so they could eventually cast Sam Jackson in this role! Coincidence? I think not....
The funny part about this movie occurred at the end after the credits rolled. Samuel L Jackson has a cameo as Nick Fury, the head of S.H.I.E.L.D in the Marvel Universe. This got me thinking...
So for many decades, Nick Fury looked like this:

Not someone that could ever be confused for Samuel L Jackson. In fact, when they made the Nick Fury TV movie, they decided to cast this guy:

I'm not really sure why it wasn't a big hit. Anyway, I remember reading comic books circa 2003, when the "Ultimate Avengers" came out, and all of a sudden Nick Fury looked a little different:

Big change, right? It's just a little too similar to this fella right here:

I mean, come on! It's like they intentionally drew Nick Fury differently just so they could eventually cast Sam Jackson in this role! Coincidence? I think not....
They actually got permission from Sam Jackson to use his likeness when they made Ultimate Nick Fury. This is not the first time writer Mark Millar has done something like this - he had the lead character in the comic "Wanted" look just like Eminem. (I believe the girl character was Halle Berry?)
Well, I guess that explains it then.
Another oddity, in the video game Marvel Ultimate Alliance, all the characters resemble their "Ultimate" comic book counterparts....except Nick Fury! He looks just like the classic Fury with the white streak in his hair and everything...
I believe that the original appearance of the "Ultimate" Nick Fury (in either Ultimate X-Men or Ultimate Spider-Man) actually did not look like Samuel Jackson?
Also, strange thing, the game X-Men Legends has a Nick Fury cameo and I think it is the Ultimate version. It's a good point about Ultimate Alliance because nearly everyone in that initially appear as their Ultimate counterparts.
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